March 2024 Update
(I wrote this towards the end of February. I’ve hesitated to post it until now. There is an updated addendum at the end.)
I wasn’t sure I’d make it to 2024. I know… none of us know if we have another hour… But, I’m talking about the likely progression of my disease. (If you are new here, you can find my cancer history above where it says, FAQs/History) For example, last January I had a fairly serious metastatic pleural effusion (cancerous fluid around the lung). According to stats, 73% of people with metastatic pleural effusions are dead within one year. Life expectancy of liver metastases? Four to eleven months from discovery. Life expectancy of skin metastases with metastatic breast cancer? Less than one year. The statistics go on. You get it. Discouraging numbers. The medications and procedures I’ve been given have helped to extend my life during the two and half years I have been receiving them. Last fall one of the therapies shrank my total cancer burden quite a bit! In late December of 2023, I stopped all treatment because I had burned through all the types of medicines available to me except for chemotherapies. I’m not open to taking chemotherapy infusions for stage four cancer. This past week I had a PET/CT scan which showed that my cancer has been aggressively growing since my last scan three months ago. I’m going to give you the nitty-gritty details of the medical side of my life, but not yet. I know some of my loved ones want to know everything, others do not and I understand both positions. So, I guess this post is for those who like a lot of information. For me, knowledge is power. (How many of you just heard the School House Rock song in your head?) Some people assume that my detailed research means I am obsessing, but that is not the case. I don’t research in a frenzy with anxiety. Research and knowledge make me feel prepared. Prepared for what? Pain. Side effects. Grief. Sadness. Death. How about you? Do you like to know all the facts or would you rather not?
This past Sunday I made it to church. I haven’t been much lately because I’m often just not feeling well enough. Today I doubled up on my opioids and off I went. (Now there’s a sentence I never thought I’d say.) Towards the end of the service we sang, It Is Well With My Soul, a profound song that was written by a man who had recently lost his children in an accident. The lyrics are moving for the Christian whether this is the first time reading them or thousandth.
When peace like a river, attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well, with my soul
It is well
With my soul
It is well, it is well with my soul
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come
Let this blest assurance control
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate
And hath shed His own blood for my soul
It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, o my soul!
It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul
It is well (it is well)
With my soul (with my soul)
It is well, it is well with my soul.
When the Christian states that they are at peace, or all is well, etc., I don’t think it means that they are in a state where they have perfectly achieved these things. It is more a state of being or a position. As a child of God, I have been given His peace. I believe that God is bigger than my problems. He can hold me in a place of being soul-well, if you will. I can truthfully state that I am at peace, yet still have sadness, pain and insecurities. So, I want your know, it is well with my soul. It is well with my soul.
Back to the medical side of things. When I had my first scan in this metastatic journey, the report said that I had “innumerable” liver lesions. Innumerable is a word that hits hard! I mean, what do they mean? They actually can’t count them? They don’t want to take the time to count them? Whatever the reason for choosing this particular word, it. is. not. good. A few months ago, I saw the word innumerable again, but in reference to bone lesions (tumors). :/ This most recent scan used the word again, but in reference to pulmonary micro-nodules (small lung tumors). Throughout the past years the scan results have ebbed and flowed, but this last scan was not “good”, to say the least. A hard providence, so to speak. Innumerable liver, bone and lung tumors. My oncologist said that my liver “lit up like a Christmas tree.” Festive. The cancer grew very fast in January while I was having no treatment. Much faster than anticipated. As an aside, since December I have been hitting the alternative treatments with increased vigor. Lots of special teas, supplements, therapies, etc. Sadly, it does not seem as though they helped.
On the maybe-up-side-of-things a new non-chemo medicine came out that I am going to give a try. It’s called Truqap and I’ll start it later this week. It’s so new that not a lot is known about it. I’m taking it as sort of a, why-not? Obviously, it has been through many trials, but when I say not much is known about it, I just mean it’s new. If there are a lot of side effects, I can stop it. Also, I’ll be starting a short round of radiation in a few days. Did you know that radiation is often given palliatively for pain? I’ll be getting it to my right iliac wing (hip bone area). Got my tattoos today! Yep. Radiation tattoos. They are all the rage… you should look into them. Lol.
I had a little get away in the San Diego area this past weekend with two of my girls. We had a GREAT time, but it was also really physically challenging.
It is well with my soul.
Update on 3/9/24:
I finished my palliative hip/tailbone radiation and it seems to have reduced the pain in that area! I have also started my new meds. I initially had some medication side effects, but now they are minimal. However, the cancer side effects have increased. For the past few weeks, I have needed to spend almost the whole day in bed, with only an hour or two in other parts of our house. Walking more than a few minutes is not currently happening and even riding in the car has become challenging. I have upped my pain meds and feel decent in bed, but as soon as I try to do anything else, I’m quite uncomfortable. It is difficult to share this news.
P.S. It is tiring for me to respond to texts and calls. Please feel free to reach out… I love hearing from people, but also know it might take me a while to get back to you.
October 2023
Riding through these past two-plus years has been a rollercoaster with more slow clicks up a steep, grinding hill than anticipatory top-of-the-ride views or thrilling descents. This rollercoaster feels like one I imagine in a bad dream, abandoned in a jungle and overgrown with treacherous vines where people are looking at me saying or silently thinking, surely there’s a better rollercoaster…
But there’s not. I’m going to get on it. I’m going to shut my eyes and get on. People are going to try to get on it with me, but they can’t. It’s my ride. They clear the track a bit and try to fix the rails with glue guns. They reach out their arms. They offer water. The help is not completely futile, but it feels somewhat helpless for them and for me. Scary for all of us. Am I stupid for getting on? I don’t regret it. Am I brave? What better choice is there? I don’t mean to sound trite, but truly, I am not on this ride alone, even though my loved ones can’t get on the track with me. God is with me. He’s not my co-pilot. I believe He’s the pilot. The inventor and builder of the roller coaster. Maybe this ride is better than it looks from the outside? Maybe each hill, each vine, each twisted rail has purpose? I believe so. Do I know the exact purposes? Maybe a little, maybe sometimes, but not nearly everything. Not clearly. This is where faith comes in, I guess. I do know that my Savior suffered. If suffering is good enough for Him, it is certainly good enough for me.
How about you? What is your ride like? Nothing but fun? A super smooth ride? All fun and no pain? I’ll bet not.
When we found my cancer in June of 2021, I was told that without treatment, I didn’t have a lot of days left in this world. Like many, I chose treatment. As you know, or have heard, treatment is hard. Why do most people with metastatic, stage four cancer choose it? When cancer has spread extensively, the hope is to extend life while not drastically reducing the quality of said life. People often ask stage four humans (avoiding the word patient… we are more than patients, right?), “How long will treatment last?” Next comes the uncomfortable mic drop. There are three possible scenarios. It will last until I have run out of plausible treatments and then I die. Or until I can’t take it anymore and then I die. Or I die while taking it. Try explaining that at the church doughnut table! Be careful what you ask. ;)
People frequently ask what is cancer like for me? What is treatment like? It’s pretty hard to explain adequately. It changes a lot and takes up a lot of time and mental space of every day. There’s always something it seems. For example, I get a lot of head pain. Is it from the neck radiation I had which causes a host of issues? Or is it from the cancer in my cervical spine? Or is it from the cancer in the base of my skull? Is it from too many toxins introduced by various treatments? Is it because my system is depleted? I mean, who knows? I don’t. My doctor doesn’t. I do know that laying down with a heating pad helps a bit. Beyond that, it’s a mystery.
In summary, my treatment, etc. thus far:
So many scans
Chemo pills
Neck radiation
Endocrine therapy
Lung area drained multiple times
Surgically inserted pleural drain put in for two months
Semi-permanent port-a-cath surgically inserted
Biopsies - two liver, many in the pleural space, two skin
Enhertu infusions
Piqray pills which require diabetes diet and medication as well
Bone strengthening shots
Faslodex injections
Multiple ER visits
Many complementary therapies: acupuncture, mushroom therapy,
supplements, etc.
Various rigid diets
There’s more, but that’s what I can recall at the moment. These bullet points are brief, but as you know, each item represents a host of other ailments, side effects, etc. You will notice that there are no major surgeries. In general, stage four patients don’t medically qualify for surgery. (This list does not include my treatments from 2006/2007)
I mentioned above the reasons for stopping treatment, which leads me to my update. Three months ago I had a scan that showed a LOT of improvement. The scan looked good, but I felt TERRIBLE. So, last month I quit one of my therapies because it was unbearable for me. That was hard to do, because it is likely the medication that made the scan look so much better. Currently, I am on my last viable treatment option, which is a monthly injection called Faslodex. There are some chemotherapy infusions I could try when Faslodex fails, but I’m pretty sure I don’t want to take them. It’s possible when push comes to shove I will try one… I’ll let you know. I have a scan on October 19. If it looks the same or better than the last one, I will continue with the monthly injections. If it looks worse in any way at all, the injections will be cancelled by my doctor and I plan to go off of all treatment (But I do have the option of trying some different chemotherapies than I have had in the past).
I have some really good news couched in the sad news. Since I am off of the harshest cancer treatments and because I have reduced my pain medications due to the reduction of cancer seen on the last scan… I feel pretty good sometimes! I have a few good hours in row and sometimes a few good days in row! I can take little walks, go to the grocery store and work for hours on my computer! I even did three miles on a trail last week! A bit slowly, but I did it! My mind is much clearer and my body is a little better. I have some drive to do things. I have been given a window of time (length of which is unknown) and I’m so excited about it! Most of the last two years, I have been wrestling with the idea that I would never feel better, but only worse. As some of you know all too well, that’s a hard thought to have… one that can induce, sadness, grief, anxiety and lethargy.
I’ve been a little manic-y the past two weeks. Talking a lot, making short term plans, working on little projects. I’m not focusing on the future. Jesus said not to worry about the future because today is all we can handle in our mental space. ( I’m grossly paraphrasing.) It’s hard not to project into the future, but God is allowing me to stay focused on today. I feel happy and joyful. No dread at the moment.
We just had my younger son’s engagement party. The wedding is at the end of October. I’m getting to know my beautiful daughter-in-law-to-be. I’m leaving for a little road trip with my oldest daughter today. Last month was my niece’s wedding. I’ve got a few trips planned in the next month or two. I’m trying to hang out with friends and family a lot. I’m reading encouraging books. Studying God’s word. I am happy to feel “myself” some of the time!!!
I keep telling some friends and family, “Thank you for riding this roller coaster with me.” In light of what I’ve written today, maybe I should say, “Thank you for watching me ride this roller coaster.” Watching is sometimes harder than riding, don’t you think? Anyway, thank you, thank you, thank you. I have so much love and support that I am blessed by. More blessed than I can say.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:33 & 34
PS: Click Read More to leave a comment. Also, feel free to poke around the website for hikes, past updates, travel documents, etc.
August 2023
Thanks for stopping by. I can see in the analytics section of this website that people are checking in here… I’ve been trying to write up all that has been going on and trying to explain all that is floating around inside of my head, but I just can’t find the right words. While I continue to search for those words, I will give a quick update.
For the past few months I’ve been on Piqray, Fulvestrant and Metformin. I’m not having the “hospital-visit” side effects, but boy am I worn out with an array of all kinds of weird side effects, big-ish to small. All the issues are making me want to stop all treatment. Yet, in the meantime, a month ago I had a PET scan that showed that these meds have greatly reduced my cancer! I haven’t really celebrated though because I’m barely out of bed. Anyway, I will probably greatly reduce the meds I’m on very soon and see if that helps me to feel better for a time.
I am trusting in God as He walks me down this road. I am learning to appreciate life without contributing to my family, friends and church like I used to. Pushing my mind and body to my limits has been a life-long pattern for me, but not anymore. Well, I still push to my limits, but those limits are close at hand at all times. I am trying to learn who I am in Christ when so much of who I thought I was is gone. It’s a hard lesson, but fruitful.
Once again, thank you for caring, for praying, for visiting, for reading and for helping. If you like, please look around the website to read more of my story, learn about my faith, learn about my cancer or even to find some fun hikes!
Another November Update
I’ve got a few updates as well as some new information to share. If you are new to my site, thanks for stopping by! You can find a medical synopsis here: Cancer History
As I mentioned in my previous post, I had the fluid around my lung drained a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, it came back rather quickly. As soon as insurance approves it, I will be having this procedure again. The procedure is rather uncomfortable. After some numbing shots, a tube is inserted from my back, between the last two ribs, into the lung sac. Immediately after the procedure, my right lung was sore. Sore like a sore throat, if you can imagine that. Kind of weird. Then I had two, not-so-common side effects. First, my lung and the sac began rubbing against each other which has a slight grinding sound. The rubbing causes inflammation which in turn causes pain. Second, a nerve became inflamed and sent shooting pains into my shoulder and abdomen. Both issues have lessened but not resolved. So now I’ve got the uncomfortable fluid in the lung as well as the side effects! You might wonder why I would want to get it drained again at this rate. The fluid causes a lot of pressure and it also causes my blood oxygen rate to drop, so it’s important to try to get rid of it again.
When a person has stage four cancer, their primary cancer is growing in other parts of the body. One of the places my breast cancer is growing is in my skin. The skin lesions have grown recently which indicates that my current medicines have stopped working. In the next few weeks I will be switched from endocrine therapy to something called Piqray. As the oncologist was explaining Piqray to me she mentioned that it caused diabetes. I asked how many of her patients who take it have developed diabetes to which she answered, “all of them.” Honestly I was floored. I have never heard of such of thing. I really don’t want another disease! This little tidbit of information has been quite hard for me to digest. For those of you who are against or hesitant about western cancer medicines, I’m sure you think this is crazy! I agree! However, it is the only medicine being offered to me at this point, so I’m going to give it a try. After this medicine, there is one more I can try. I’m tempted to skip the Piqray and go straight to the other one, but after thinking about it, it seems best to try both. Sometime in December I will go to a class on diabetes and then start the new medication. My doctor says I can probably manage the diabetes without insulin, so that’s good. I don’t think I’m naturally someone who will be great at checking my blood sugar on a schedule, eat on a schedule, etc., so I’ll need to figure all of that out.
I’ve also been having a lot of issues with my neck and the base of my skull where I have some cancerous bone lesions. I get pain, a “buzzing” sound, headaches, etc. I’ve found that if I don’t move my head too much it helps. So if I look kind of stiff, you’ll know why!
Having mentioned the term “western medicine” above, I think I’ll talk about my philosophy on medicine for a minute. I am using everything that western medicine has to offer me. I understand people’s concerns about some of these therapies/modalities. In fact, I share many of the concerns, but also am willing to give them a try for lack of other options. I am additionally using/have used a fair amount of natural remedies though I don’t talk about them much. I will say that people kindly offer me natural/homeopathic remedies almost daily. I research most of them and have implemented some. It’s super hard navigating all of this though for multiple reasons. I have had more than a few loved ones die soon after trying extreme natural treatment plans. (To be fair, they were very sick when they started the plans.) I have, of course, also known people who have died from cancer who did not not try any natural treatments. It’s hard to know what route to take. To complicate things even further, each natural clinic or treatment plan seems to be different from the next, making it even harder to figure out. I had some experiences as a young person that have given me pause and kept me from jumping head first into, really, anything medically speaking. Honestly, I think I can say, I don’t really, fully believe in any of it. Rather I want to trust in God and do my best with what I have. My trust is not in any one doctor or any one prescription or any one natural remedy.
I know this post is getting long, but I’ll share some of the aforementioned experiences with you anyway. :)
The first experience had to do with my mom who had a long fight with cancer which ended when she was 53 and I was 17. She fought hard. She was not okay with dying. She tried everything her doctors offered and let me tell you, in the 1980s, that was some crazy stuff. Her cancer kept coming back more aggressively. As she worsened she decided to go away for a while to a homeopathic cancer center where she was put on a strict diet, did daily coffee and wheat grass enemas, went through talk therapy and more. I don’t know where she got the money to go there, but she was a fighter and somehow she made it happen. I saw a big decline in her health after going to this place and she died soon after. Personally, I think it was too radical for the state she was in at the time. Maybe it would have been more helpful if she had gone sooner, but who knows.
The other experience wasn’t about medicine, but faith, and in a way, “treatment.” It involved a relative who was dying of cancer being told that if they had more faith they would be healed. When this beautiful woman died, I felt so sad knowing that she may have thought, as she was dying, that she didn’t have enough faith. Almost as soon as humans were created, death became imminent. It is part of life as we know it. I do not long to die. I don’t feel ready. I will use the tools given me to try to live as long as possible. However, I do also know that we will all die. I believe heaven will be a wonderful place to be and that is a comfort.
As I’ve read many cancer patients posts and blogs in the past few years, I’ve come to think we are all trying our best, in our own ways, with the tools we have available.
I feel so weird writing all these things out. I don’t want to sound like a know it all. It can be hard to let the world know my personal stuff. I don’t want to be insensitive to others. I don’t want to seem self-aggrandizing. The doubts go on and on. Then, I remind myself how helpful it is for me to read other people’s life stories and I hesitatingly push, “publish”, letting my life story go out into the world wide web with a hope and a prayer.
2 Corinthians 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.