June 2023
Welcome back friends! If you are new, thanks for stopping by. Please poke around the website if you would like to know more about me, my illness and/or my faith. I’m going to make this update fairly quick today.
I took a two month break from traditional treatment while I waited to find out if I have a DNA marker that would allow me to use a pill-form chemo-drug called Piqray. When the test came back, it showed that I have the marker, which led to the start of Piqray, a potentially difficult drug. I have been on it for about four weeks, along with monthly endocrine therapy shots called Faslodex. So far the side effects of both drugs have been mild to moderate, but definitely tolerable. (I had decided before starting that if the SEs were too hectic, I would go off of the new medications.) I had a blood test last week which showed that my cancer marker went down significantly. This is the first time since starting treatment that it has dropped significantly! I am not going to reach any definitive conclusions about the drop until mid-July when l have a PET scan, the gold standard of cancer tests, BUT having the number drop is good news!!! (During my two month break, I continued with supplements, etc. and even added a few items to the regimen.)
I find myself having to learn to be still, to rest and to manage pain, which are all things I am not very good at!!! These assignments, so to speak, are slowly teaching me (hopefully) patience, a different kind of joy, reliance on others and reliance on God… difficult lessons, but definitely good and needed. Please pray for my upcoming treatments, for patience and for peace. I know there is much suffering in this world. Mine is a drop in the bucket. Thank you for caring about this drop!!!
After my PET scan, I plan to update here in more detail.
Thanks for checking in on me!
Kim (the bestest sister-in-in law and friend) and I in Mexico recently