Small Update & Life in Limbo
Hi! I haven’t updated for a while!
I thought it might be helpful to summarize what’s going on so a new reader doesn’t have to search through all the past posts. If you are already caught up, just skip this italicized part.
In June of 2021, I found that I have a recurrence of the breast cancer I had treated in 2007. I have hormone positive, HER 2 negative, stage 4 breast cancer. I do not have the BRCA gene, but some of my family does. I now have breast cancer in my skin, too many lymph nodes to count, many ribs, pelvis, tailbone, sternum, femur, a little in my lungs and bunch in my liver. The liver is the most concerning area and the bones give the most pain. In 2007, the cancer had only spread to three lymph nodes, so at that time I had a mastectomy, reconstruction, heavy-duty chemo, many smaller surgeries and radiation. This time around I have had neck radiation (that was not fun), oral chemotherapy that didn’t work and now something called endocrine therapy, which seems to be helping. When you have stage 4, they say it is treatable, but not curable. The goal is to extend life with minimal side effects from treatments. Sort of a balancing act between quality of life and quantity of life. The treatments, when they work, only work temporarily, but there are exceptions once in blue moon. In general, at some unknown point the cancer will grow resistant and start growing again. Not trying to be negative here, just laying out the facts as I understand them. (I don’t mind answering questions about cancer and cancer treatment, so ask away below or in person.)
As I mentioned before, my last PET scan showed a tiny bit of improvement, which is great. It looks like I will continue with the endocrine therapy I am on since it seems to be what’s helping. In the meantime, I’ve had these repeated “episodes” of terrible skull base pain with vomiting, so I have a cat scan next week to help figure that out. It’s probably some kind of unusual side effect from the neck radiation I had last summer.
My mental health has not been terrible, but it is not good either. Everything is so up and down all the time. I feel very unreliable. It’s like I’m not really ever “myself.” I have a challenging time making plans, small or big. I’ve been having a hard time communicating my thoughts and feelings regarding what’s inside my head right now. A big part of my not-great-mental-health-state is my situation, but it’s also the pain killers, and radiation, and endocrine therapy, and, and, and. My sister-in-law sent me this blog post and it summarizes much of how I feel. Read it if you like. Life In Limbo
I’m very thankful to have many caring people reaching out to me, praying for me and taking care of me. I’m thankful for my faith… the Lord is my shepherd. He is walking me through this valley. I am weary, but not without hope.
I’ve been working on some posts for the Shadows section of this website… hopefully I’ll finish them soon!
Thanks for checking in. Really.
P.S. Our puppy is really great therapy for our family! Here’s a blurry photo of us resting together. :)
February 10
Today has been one of my better days and I almost feel like “myself”! Anyway, just wanted to add a bit of good news. :)