Julie Hirtzel

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Evening Update

Thank you so much for praying for Julie’s various appointments today. She got back home late afternoon and rested.

She didn’t end up seeing any doctors today; she met with technicians. No information on her pain, it comes and goes. Please pray for continued pain management.

Her first radiation appointment is scheduled for Wednesday. And she meets with the breast oncologist on Thursday. On Friday she will have follow up appointments with City of Hope and Cedars Sinai, where Lord willing the doctors will be able to review some of the results of the liver biopsy. Please pray that the doctors might have access to some of the results of the liver biopsy by Friday and that a treatment plan can be formed.

Until then, we wait. We wait and rest in the Lord, knowing that He hears each of our cries of grief and sorrow to Him (Psalm 56:8). We also rest in the hope we have in Christ. Hope in the present through the power of the Holy Spirit and His mighty Word and our future hope—we are clinging to Christ and His promises as we wait.