Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Julie in this unusual season of life, that she would continue to navigate it with grace and joy.

  • Julie, her sister-in-law, Kim, her youngest daughter, Meg and nurse-friend, Reina will all be going to an appointment at MD Anderson in Houston on September 14 to see if they have any additional therapies or any clinical trials that Julie can participate in. Please pray that the trip would be safe and that the doctors would have additional, helpful treatment for her and particularly that there may be an opportunity for a clinical trial.

  • A PET scan is scheduled for September 16th to see if the chemotherapy has helped to reduce any tumors. Please pray that we would see reduction of the many lesions in her body. Also pray that she would not fear or worry about the outcome of the upcoming scan.

  • A follow up appointment is scheduled on September 17th with the medical oncologist to discuss the scan and ongoing treatment plan. Please pray for wisdom from the doctors to read the scan and provide treatment options that would increase quality and extend longevity of her life.

  • Julie will receive another bone strengthening injection on September 29th. Please pray that it is effective and that pain is minimal.

  • Unfortunately, Julie’s pain levels have increased significantly the past few days, which could mean the cancer is progressing. Please pray that her pain decreases and that this is not a sign of cancer growth.

  • If you know Julie, you know she loves to be productive and to serve others. She is not used to having so much free time but at the same time, not having the physical ability to fill it. Pray that she has finds satisfaction in being productive spiritually and grows closer to her Lord and Savior.

    Please pray for peace and fortitude as our earthly plans change. Pray that she would not have sadness or fear of missing future events and people on this earth. Pray that she finds comfort and joy in the assurance that we will live together again someday.


Scan Results


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