A Note from Julie

Hi! It’s Julie here. I am overwhelmed with love and support. Thank you does not seem sufficient.

I’ve been on chemo a little more than a week. It’s going pretty well. I had neck radiation a few weeks ago that has caused a delayed burn in my throat and on my tongue. It’s fairly painful and prayers are appreciated.

I saw a liver specialist who had some things to offer as far as additional therapy in the future that we will look into more. For now my treatment plan is established, however when some molecular testing comes back the plan could change a bit.

I am no longer working. I am now a full time job. (That’s a joke.) I try to go out everyday for a bit and am hoping I will be able to do more in the next few weeks when my throat heals and the chemo hopefully starts shrinking some of the painful tumors.

This whole thing is really hard, but I believe in the biblical principles that teach that our suffering refines us and is not in vain. Yet, it is still suffering and therefore painful and difficult. I am trusting in the Lord’s providence for me though it is painful. I am thankful I have so many walking beside me.


Day of Fasting This Friday


Chemo Update