God’s Healing
In most Christian minds today, the words Nineveh and Ninevite are usually associated with ideas like God's judgment, God's enemies, a wicked people, and a recalcitrant nation. But have you ever thought after reading Jonah 3 that God plucked a generation of Ninevites out of Satan's kingdom and placed them in his own? This is what Jesus indicates in Matthew 12:41.
What made this generation in Ninevah different than all the others? They came to know God in the preaching of the word, and they repented. I have a friend that likes to say, "God does what he does because he is who he is," God is the one who saves and pours out every blessing, mercy, and grace because of His perfect love shown in Christ. However, so often, this love is brought about through human means to accomplish his heavenly purposes. For Ninevah, God used repentance-filled fasting and prayer to accomplish the great work of saving these sinners.
This Friday's fast is about humbling ourselves before God, like the Ninevites of Jonah's day and so many Christians have over the past few millennia. We turn to God, knowing that we are utterly unable to beat this cancer or pass through any other affliction in our strength. Ultimately, only God heals, sometimes naturally and sometimes supernaturally, but He does the healing. We are praying that He might deal well with my mother in her affliction, which we should only expect if we turn to Him in the worthy name of Jesus—the majestic King of the universe.
Check out our last post if you want details about our day of fasting and prayer this Friday.
Yours in the lord,
Eli (Julie’s son)