Introduction - 1
To put it simply, my life is kind of weird right now. Maybe that’s an understatement. It’s hard to find a rhythm. Hard to know how much to push myself. Hard to know how to spend my time. Hard to know how to communicate with others. Hard to tie life up with a neat little bow. Recently, while contemplating earthly life, it occurred to me that I’d like to use this website as one way to reach out to my loved ones to encourage them (and myself) in their walk with the Lord. Hence, we made this new section, Shadows, as in, “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.” (Or at least I’ll try to fear no evil!) I’m primarily going to be “preaching to the choir” here. I’ll *try* to be thoughtful regarding the listener, especially those who have differing beliefs from mine, but mostly I’ll be trying to encourage the Christian, myself included. I want to openly share my thoughts on the Christian life to encourage those with similar beliefs. If that’s not you, feel free to read on (of course!), but don’t expect me to try to defend everything I write… it’s going to come from a Christian worldview and won’t be heavy on apologetics. However, I love discussing the faith… so… if you want to ask me questions or share your disagreements feel free to email me at
As I’ve begun to write some things down, I’m already struggling! I don’t want people to hear me wrong. I don’t want to say inaccurate things about the Word of God. I don’t want to sound like I have it all figured out. I don’t, I don’t, I don’t. Endless, I don’ts. Well, I’m telling myself to focus on what I do want to do. So here I go, trying to humbly do just that. (I guess putting myself out there, unsolicited, is not a forte of mine. Also, I like to use a lot of ellipses, quote marks, italicized words, etc. You probably already noticed that. Hope it doesn’t drive you crazy. More so, I hope you are encouraged by the things I put here.) Thanks for reading along.