Hope Does Not Disappoint - 5

Are you downtrodden today? Do my writings make you think that I’m always at peace?  I’m not. That pain doesn’t hurt?  It does. That grief isn’t hard?  It is. Having peace in the plan of God does not mean being oblivious to life’s suffering and it’s harshness.  

A week or two ago I had a few hours with more physical pain than I had been having.  I broke down sobbing.  Not so much from the pain, but because I was projecting the future and feeling unequipped to face it.  The Lord comforted me with scripture.  He understands my weaknesses and pain.  And He understands yours as well.

My thoughts flip-flop from moment to moment between despair and hope, but ultimately hope wins. 

hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.


And He Will Do It - 6


Hope - 4